As a producer your role consists of commercially extracting hydrocarbons from the ground, removing contaminants, separating the hydrocarbons into product streams and transporting it to the point of sale. Production needs to be maximised with minimum downtime, minimum wastage and of high quality to efficiently reduce operating costs and maximise profit.
In this case, a Crude Oil Assay is used to help determine the quality of the hydrocarbon found in terms of composition and boiling point distribution. This knowledge is critical in evaluating the commercial worth of the hydrocarbon.
The well composition can change during its lifetime, consequently, so can the quality of the hydrocarbon. Performing additional Crude Oil Assay testing over time becomes critical to evaluate the changing commercial value of the produced hydrocarbon streams.
A Crude Oil Assay may also be required to meet regulatory consents that require weathering models of the offshore produced hydrocarbon.
Weathering models are to be completed every three years for offshore exploration in New Zealand.