IPL’s mini Labodest HMS 500 AC I-Fischer distillation unit enables us to carry-out a quick low cost and rapid yield analysis up to a maximum temperature of 400°C. It is a great tool to:
- Help refineries optimise their processes
- Determine suitability and profitability of a crude in terms of yield and quality
- Generate cuts for further analysis
- Help predict potential problems such as corrosion.
IPL tailors its Flash Assay Analysis to meet your requirements
and it can vary in depth and in scope. Depending on your requirements it can include some of the following:
- SimDis Merge Analysis
- Specific Gravity
- Aniline Point
- Asphaltenes
- Carbon Content
- Freeze Point
- Viscosity
- Metals (21 elements)
- Pour Point
- Mercaptan Sulphur
- Water
- Density
- API Gravity
- Aromatics
- Carbon Residue
- Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis
- Hydrogen Content
- Mercury
- Nitrogen
- Reid Vapour Pressure
- Total Acid Number
- Wax