IPL’s weathering and dispersant testing of crude oil plays an important role in minimising risks associated with potential oil spills.
IPL has customised an MNS (Mackay/Nadeau/Steelman) test rig
that simulates the weathering processes under controlled conditions (wind/wave action, air/water temperature). To help predict the fate of the oil in an open ocean spill, physical and chemical oil properties are tested at set intervals (0, 12, 24 and 48 hours). Tests include:
IPL uses a Labofina/Warren Spring Laboratory Rotating Flask Test Rig and WSL LR448 methodology to test the efficiency of dispersants on both fresh and weathered oil as well as testing of dispersant stockpiles. Testing predicts which dispersants may be effective in the event of a spill.
Established in July 1999, Independent Petroleum Laboratory Limited (IPL) is a fully independent laboratory that provides specialist Fuels, Biofuels, Industrial and Environmental laboratory testing services to a wide range of customers throughout New Zealand and the South West Pacific.
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