What a well deserved achievement for one of IPL's employee last week. Stephanie joined IPL's Fuels Team back in April and has made quite an impression on her workmates and supervisors. Last week, all her efforts and positive energy were acknowledged by being awarded the Rising Star Awardby Refining NZ.
How has Stephanie shown her Rising Star qualities?
Stephanie as a new comer has shown qualities that exceed the expectation of the company. She has shown 100% dedication & professionalism in all the work/tasks given to her. Stephanie can be very flexible to move from one area of testing to another. She is always able to finish the given task within the scheduled time. Stephanie is always focused on the customer service and service delivery without compromising quality. Stephanie always puts an extra effort, is very proactive in bringing new ideas and contributing to the continuous improvement process in Bitumen Rheology testing and is always eager to learn new things in the laboratory.
Congratulations Stephanie and thank you for contributing to IPL's own success story.