Blog Post

John Morris Aviation Conference

  • By Veronique Theberge
  • 10 Dec, 2018

As one of the renowned laboratories providing Aviation Fuel testing in the South East Pacific, IPL was invited to take part in this first Aviation focus group, which included specialists from the whole network.

Throughout this conference, it was highlighted how important the role of testing plays in the Aviation Fuel life cycle. Testing establishes whether the Aviation Fuel meets the specifications and if it is fit for purpose, therefore highlighting any potential risks inherent in getting a plane from A to B. 

There are currently 2 test methods in use to recertify Aviation Fuel, ASTM D1655 and DefStan 90-091. The differences between the two test methods were highlighted during this conference. The ASTM D7566 test method was also addressed as the blend stock regulation, for renewable jet fuel, which is also on the increase.

As people increase their travels, a 57% growth in the aviation industry is expected in the next 50 years. Currently being responsible for approximately 2% of the world CO2 emissions. The need for forward thinking and innovation is of primary importance. IPL was pleased to be part of this event addressing things like how to develop more fuel economic planes and how to work towards extending the use of green fuel to this industry.

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