IPL tests biodiesel and biodiesel blends for quality purposes to ensure the product meets industry standards.
The Biofuel component of any blend sold commercially in New Zealand must comply with the New Zealand Engine Fuel Specification Regulations 2011. In addition to being committed to helping advance biofuel technology, IPL offers biofuel producers and importers an accredited, cost effective testing services.
Below is a summarised list of the tests IPL performs for Biodiesel and Biodiesel Blends (B5, B10):
- Acid Value
- Carbon Residue
- Cloud Point
- Cold Soak Filtration
- Copper Corrosion
- Density
- Filter Blocking Tendency
- Flash Point
- Glycerides
- Glycerol
- Iodine Value
- Linolenic Acid Methyl Ester
- Methanol
- Metals
- Oxidation Stability
- Phosphorus
- Polyunsaturated Methyl Ester
- Sulphated Ash
- Sulphur
- Total Acid Number
- Total Contamination
- Viscosity
- Water
Biodiesel Blends
- Ash Content
- Aromatic Hydrocarbons
- Carbon Residue
- Cloud Point
- Cold Soak Filtration
- Colour
- Copper Corrosion
- Density
- Distillation
- Flash Point
- Filter Blocking Tendency
- Lubricity
- Oxidation Stability
- Sulphur
- Total Acid Number
- Total Contamination
- Viscosity
- Water
if you have a particular testing requirement not listed above, please contact us.
IPL is the reference lab in New Zealand for your biofuels testing needs. We worked alongside the government to develop the required testing as per the NZ Engine Fuel Specifications.
Established in July 1999, Independent Petroleum Laboratory Limited (IPL) is a fully independent laboratory that provides specialist Fuels, Biofuels, Industrial and Environmental laboratory testing services to a wide range of customers throughout New Zealand and the South West Pacific.
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